Regarding today update:

1) Q Spectrum module is fixed. I mean a Abhay's case when it calculated a lot of time.  Abhay I've attached two worksheets with corrected Q spectrum. I recommend to recalculate Q spectrum because I do not know your settings there. So your other modules and your pretty busy precise charting module are there.
BTW, pay attention, you use in your calculations Eclipses and Lunar days, this is why it calculates very     slow (10 min). In attached worksheet EURUSD_corrected_light.wts I have disabled these points and now it calculates one minute only.

2) To Jim Ranum: Jim in Gann Square it displays both inner and outer circles:

I use the same option for them.   Or better separate options for inner and outer circles? What do you think about that?

3) To Emad - regarding Half circle charting tool that has been disabled. You see, this charting tool is totally covered by harmonic wave charting tool. You can specify there any harmonic:

4) There are many small interface nuances fixed.

Best regards.